via /r/dogpictures
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Thabo enjoying the glacier views of the Goat Range from 2902m/9520 feet

via /r/dogpictures
Bunny, trying to get the last of that peanut butter and looking like a space cadet.

via /r/dogpictures
Saturday, July 30, 2016
I work at a doggie day care. This is in my coworker's car every day.
via /r/dogpictures
best vw bus co-pilot ever. she took her last bus ride two years ago today at the ripe old age of 15.

via /r/dogpictures
Someone wanted to help in the garden - for help read eat the flowers

via /r/dogpictures
Friday, July 29, 2016
Met this happy fella while walking. I think a Tolling Retriever?

via /r/dogpictures
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Press Conference: Why is the DNC Trying to Silence Nina Turner? - DNC convention coverage
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:49PM by TheCivilMystic
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:49PM by TheCivilMystic
Has there been any call for accountability/investigations into potential violations found in DNC leak info?
I don't think I've seen one big time media person or politician demand investigation into some of this damning info found. Why does it seem no one even cares? This seems insane to me. The DNC may have committed crimes of some sort yet there's no outrage from our officials or the media.Seriously what hope do we have of ever cleaning up corruption when this happens and nothing is done? Why do I bother voting or paying attention when it just doesn't matter?
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:16PM by MaddSim
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:16PM by MaddSim
ActBlue is now spamming Bernie donors
Just got a spam from ActBlue containingThe DNC is about looking forward, together. It's about embracing a better future in which we all have a role, regardless of our sexual orientation, our gender, or our part of the text. We specifically opted out of further e-mails after each donation.Who is responsible, Bernie's campaign or the ActBlue people ?SpamCop reports go to devnull so they are set up to reject spam reports.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:14PM by svensk
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:14PM by svensk
Hillary Clinton Will Flip On TPP, Says Top Democrat
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:59PM by sky4bernie
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:59PM by sky4bernie
Nomiki Konst on Twitter: "At #DemsInPhilly? Come support our gal @ninaturner at 5:45pm for a press conference in front of the media tent."
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:03PM by AProgressiveNow
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:03PM by AProgressiveNow
Never forget Bernies humorous message...
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:04PM by goodtobealive
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:04PM by goodtobealive
The r/Tulsi team has set up a new twitter account @GrassrootsTulsi to use in grassroots organizing and promotion of Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. • Crosspost: /r/tulsi
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:12PM by seamslegit
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:12PM by seamslegit
Our Message to the DNC and Hillary
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:19PM by UncleLeoSaysHello
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 02:19PM by UncleLeoSaysHello
Poppy was very sleepy this afternoon. via /r/dogpictures
I took some photos of the DNC protests in Philly (x-post from r/philadelphia)
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 11:45AM by steffotography
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 11:45AM by steffotography
Bernie Sanders conceded to Hillary Clinton, which is all the more reason that Bernie SHOULD be the nominee. We need a nominee who isn't running for personal gain and personal aspiration, but doing it for the greater good of our country. The nominee must be Bernie Sanders.
Anybody see this scene in Gladiator?Marcus Aurelius: Won't you accept this great honor that I have offered you?Maximus: With all my heart, no.Marcus Aurelius: Maximus, that is why it must be you.It got me thinking, it must be Bernie.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:26PM by Alexanderr
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:26PM by Alexanderr
DNC Convention Day 3
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:37PM by GuiltyAir
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:37PM by GuiltyAir
How the election was really rigged against Bernie Sanders.
Wikileaks has confirmed that Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the election...but how? How about this.....So we know Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the co-chair of Hillary's 2008 presidential run where she lost to Obama. So in order to lock down the nomination for 2016, Hillary had to get DWS in charge of the DNC and manipulate it from the inside.In order for this to work, they would not only have to get the DNC chair to step down, but recommend DWS for the position. The Clinton's would have to promise something to that person. Something more prestigious than being the head of the democratic party. So what would they get.....?According to the person who stepped down and recommended DWS was non other than....Tim Kaine.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:40PM by aBetterNation
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:40PM by aBetterNation
Senator Sanders, I have failed you and I am sorry.
Senator Sanders,As you said in your speech Monday night at the Convention, no one is more disappointed than you. When I heard that, I realized it was I owed you an apology. You see, Senator, I have come into the world of politics because of you and your campaign. I loved and breathed politics, probably to an unhealthy amount. (Just ask my girlfriend or Facebook friends.) But in doing so, it awake a passion in me to believe that together we can bring about the change America so depaarately needs.So I began phonebanking, donating, facebanking, sharing every article I could and being more vocal in political discussions. But I could've done more. I never canvassed. I stopped phonebanking after a while. I donated less and less. Gradually, I became a supporter from the sidelines and I have no good reason for that.I'm not naive enough to believe that I alone could have made a difference in the outcome of this election, but I do believe you deserved 110% from your supporters and I was not giving it to you.I don't know if you'll ever read this, I suspect not. But I hope you know you did everything you could, in my view, to win the nomination. While that did not happen, you have inspired me and countless others. I know that might not be enough, but it is a start.Thank you, sir, for continuing to be a shining beacon in a very dark and scary world. I hope you can forgive me for not putting as much effort as you did. I also hope that by the time I reach my 70s, I'm half the man you are.No matter what, you will always be my hero.I'm not sure if this post will be upvoted, downvoted, brigades by trolls, or deleted, but thank you everyone who reads it. I wanted to express my feelings and this community has given me a place to do that. The motivation this sub gives me is something unlike any other.Let's keep fighting, folks!
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:36PM by Durnt32
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:36PM by Durnt32
List Of Candidates Bernie Endorsed?
Over the course of the primary I was getting Bernie emails and in some of those emails, particularly in the last few months, he was endorsing candidates running for various offices around the country. Is there a full list of these Bernie endorsed candidates somewhere?
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:33PM by OldAntarcticExplorer
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:33PM by OldAntarcticExplorer
The DNC Has Gone Too Far
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:30PM by Landown
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:30PM by Landown
MODS, Please Read! A Great Outline for Moving Forward With r/SandersForPresident
Since my post in the future of r/SandersforPresident sub is completely buried and because I thought this was of utmost importance, I decided to post this here. I hope you won't decide to delete this since it's outside the sticky - it's definitely worth the effort and read.We could all take a lesson from one of the best moderated Bernie pages on Facebook, the 65,000 member strong, "Bernie Sanders Activists." This is the pinned post from one of their mods with an outline of their goals for the future. I'm not saying it should be identical - but it gives us an excellent example of how we should move forward.Jesse Chen - Bernie Sanders Activists Mod: BE ADVISED: Obviously, all of us are upset with the corruption, favoritism, bias, and nonsense of the primary and the convention process. This group will do its part to NOT let this movement disintegrate after all the work that went into bringing it together. So...(1) OUR GROUP's FUTURE - As we've said for months, this Facebook group will continue to stay focused on the Bernie movement through and BEYOND November. All the things that Bernie stands for STILL give us a solid foundation and reason for us to keep working together. Do not let the loss of the primary campaign cause you to stop fighting for Bernie's vision - that's exactly what the establishment is hoping for.(2) NO ENDORSEMENT - Please read this carefully. It is critical to stay together and not let the presidential race tear this movement apart. In the interest of movement unity, this FB group will NOT formally endorse or organize for any specific presidential candidate. We know that many disagree on who to vote for in November, and we don't want that disagreement to get in the way of what we can achieve as a movement through and beyond November.(3) MOVING FORWARD - Given that, we will work to focus our collective efforts on a set of strategic activities that can help perpetuate the movement itself, our shared ideas/vision/values/issues/etc., and create meaningful impact (e.g. getting Jill Stein on the debate stage). While some of this may involve the presidential race, 80% of it won't. For those new to politics, that may sound strange, but that's because there's far more to movements than presidential campaigns. More on this to come.(4) NO VIOLENCE - This group continues to have ZERO tolerance for the promotion of violence. Reported posts of violence and their authors will be removed by our great volunteers in Dept 2.(5) WHAT'S NEXT - We do have a strategic plan on the many ways we can move forward together (that do not empower Drumpf), and we invite all Bernie supporters in and beyond this FB group to consider it. An update will be out soon. In the mean time, please see Mike's posts regarding when you should #DemExit depending on your state (again, you can still vote for whomever you'd like in November).(6) BE PATIENT - Everyone is at a different stage of their own political r/evolution. Think before you fly off the handle at someone. And, remember... Our cause is just, our hearts are pure, and our vision is clear. We are battered, but not beaten. We know the future depends on what we choose to do right now - we can give up or we can get up and keep going. Wipe the tears from your eyes and the blood from your nose. Take some time to regroup if needed. And get back in the ring. Democracy is a fight that never ends, it's never won - we have to keep going. Not just in elections, but in between elections. As Bernie so effectively pointed out, we need to change our systems to serve the many instead of the few. That's our movement, and that's what we'll continue fighting for. Stay tuned.PS - We would not change the name of this Facebook group even if we could (FB won't allow it for groups over 5K members) so that we can honor the man who brought us all together.#StillSanders #FeelTheBern #NotMeUS #BeTheBern #TheStruggleContinues #hodor
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:27PM by NevrDrinksNDraws
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:27PM by NevrDrinksNDraws
DAE get the impression that unity was established a long time ago? Unity between the RNC and DNC?
The conspiracy theorist in me says that with the Tea Party taking over the show on the right the Elites in both Parties and Corporate Media have benefitted from the Trump show that has been created, "guaranteeing" a clinton victory which maintains the status quo and the corruption that is profitable.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:21PM by Shooter-MaGavin
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:21PM by Shooter-MaGavin
Larry Sanders to TYT: Bernie will be the chair of a major committee in the senate (still unclear which).
I suppose we now know what's next for our beloved senator.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:14PM by gustavchats
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:14PM by gustavchats
Many democrats keep telling me to be scared of Trump for acting like a fear mongering dictator. But I find that Clinton being propped up by greedy oligarchs to be equally as scary
Examples of what I keep hearing from democrats and Bernie supporters:"Is Clinton really as bad as Trump?""We have to keep Trump from winning!""Trump is scary! At least Clinton doesn't scare me..."I can certainly relate to the fear of a Trump presidency, but that fear can be equally applied to Clinton when you consider the country is actually sliding to an oligarchy as opposed to a dictatorship.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:09PM by branawesome
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:09PM by branawesome
DNC And Clinton Campaign Operations Started Merging Before Sanders Dropped Out
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:45PM by ImNotNickMerrill
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:45PM by ImNotNickMerrill
Democrats Fear October Surprise of More Hacked Emails
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:45PM by MattDL
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:45PM by MattDL
Is /r/SandersForPresident censored from the front page?
I just went through ten pages of /r/all and can't find a single post from this sub-reddit. I'm up to 500 and so far nothing. Am I doing something wrong? There's two recent submissions that have nearly 5000 upvotes. That should be enough for the front page.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:57PM by Sonaygate
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:57PM by Sonaygate
Hillary Clinton will be the last Democrat Baby Boomer nominee
If there is one non-controversy thing that has struck me from watching the DNC it is the fact that there are no more politicians of the Baby Boomer generation who would be capable of carrying the presidential mantle in 8 or even 4 years. With their star setting, an enormous opportunity emerges: the prospect for a massive political realignment.While Baby Boomers have hogged the spotlight for the last 40+ years, liberal Gen Xers has largely stayed apolitical, choosing to not get involved, which means that the next president that the Democrats nominate will likely be a Millennial.As swaths of baby boomers start retiring and more millennials start to turn up to vote, people in their 30s are going to be taking over the core of the democratic party, with it the infrastructure and the ability to set the rules and priorities. And they only have to do this by showing up, participating and hanging around while the old guard drops like flies.This is what a revolution in the US looks like, it happened in the 60s as the Democrats started switching conservative white southerners for a rainbow coalition, and it will happen again soon! It doesn't require protesting in the streets, it just requires people participating and making the party what they want it to be.Regardless of where you stand with this election, the next 8 years of elections will be vital for people to start getting their foot in the door and start carving out a place in the political system. Volunteer, make in-person connections, and above all show up!
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:55PM by UhHuhWhat
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:55PM by UhHuhWhat
Let's all say thank you.
I just want to say thank you, Bernie sanders! though the primary may be over, but the positive movement you and your campaign created will remain with me for life!I also want to thank this sub right now! Remember where you started!Thank you to all who voted! Your hearts are in the right place! Thank you for donating , Thank you for canvassing, thank you for phone banking, thank you for face banking, thank you for this opportunity to be here!THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH US.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:38PM by RyouKagamine
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:38PM by RyouKagamine
DNC and Hillary Clinton Staffer discussing which bundler gets credit for $200k check written by one person for the Hillary Victory Fund.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:48PM by SouthernJeb
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:48PM by SouthernJeb
New DNC Leaks?
I've read all over the place that WL announced a series of leaks, but where is that information coming from? I can't find anything on Google or WL. Am I blind or is this just a rumor that keeps getting repeated? Are we getting more, is that it, or does nobody know for sure?
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:48PM by thatcoderguy
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:48PM by thatcoderguy
Important question on Berniecrat Canova
As I understand it I can not vote for Canova because I live in Tampa (Hillsborough County) so Canova is not my local candidate. That said..... I used to live there and have many friends there that I can message or call to vote for Tim Canova.... is this correct on both counts?I ask because I just sent in paperwork to be an independent but I want to make sure I cant vote for Canova anyways.
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:47PM by lostmylogininfo
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 01:47PM by lostmylogininfo
Cat 'lucky to survive' spin in 60C washing machine cycle
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:26PM by HasanMulla
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 12:26PM by HasanMulla
Tortoise Wins Again: Slow And Steady Pace Outruns L.A. Fire
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 11:39AM by Islanden
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 11:39AM by Islanden
Yes, There Is A 'Hillary Standard' -- She Gets Away With Everything
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 11:43AM by schadenfr3ud3
Buzzing: WATCH: Gilmore Girls Revival Officially Has a Date! See the First Trailer from Netflix
New trending story from People : WATCH: Gilmore Girls Revival Officially Has a Date! See the First Trailer from Netflix
If Hillary Clinton loses in November, it won't be Bernie Sanders' fault
Submitted July 27, 2016 at 09:27AM by WatchesInHope
Buzzing: WATCH: Gilmore Girls Revival Officially Has a Date! See the First Trailer from Netflix
New trending story from People : WATCH: Gilmore Girls Revival Officially Has a Date! See the First Trailer from Netflix
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