Testy Test
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Mr Apollo Sleeping with his #gorumpl blanket out camping
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Buddy the empath giving some serious cuddles whilst I'm sick #buddytheboxer #boxerlove #rescuedog
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Russell the Cairn, Brooklyn NY.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2rHjwYl
Watching Dog Ergo the name "Watchdog" [4353 × 3911]
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2rrM2MD
My 3 y/o former street dog sitting in his fav chair
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2spviDa
Dog: Can I chase the neighbors cat? Me: Sorry but no. Him...
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2qD0Zwj
My best friend, and the happiest pup ever, goes to see a surgeon tomorrow to see if he needs surgery to fix an injury to his leg (he landed funny when jumping off of the couch). We're hoping he doesn't have to go under the knife, but we'll do whatever he needs. Send positive vibes for Indy!
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Zelda smiling for the camera
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My baby girl enjoying the shade
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someone called my sweet petunia 'hideous' this week... she's been pouting ever since.
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This is Zeus and he loves car rides!
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Her tongue is always like that. It stays in that position too. Any advice?
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Ghost the Grill helper
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One of my babies
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She is smiling after an hour long visit to the local dog park to meet her friends. She went every day for three years.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2qC72Bj
Update: He has mastered the art of rolling in grass
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"Okay, we're ready to be tucked in now." - Rue and Mindy
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At least someone laughs at my jokes
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Betty found a new place to sit...
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My beardog says hi. It's like a wolfdog but better.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2sp4naF
Love that smile!
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My dog could probably win a goofiest face contest
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2rGoODB
This is how my dog cools down at the dog park. She drinks water and is hydrated too.
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My pup got into a little bit of mud at the dog park.
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My brothers dog, Elvis. Yes that's a flower in his mouth. Sorry about the low quality.
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Dogs noses look like mushrooms.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2so80NK
My sweet chi, Moxxi!
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Meet Aslan and Calypso!
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Meet Tootsie, half dog, half frog.
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Windowsills: They're not just for cats anymore.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2qAYESJ
It's his 6th Birthday today.
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These two normally have beef but for a good 5 minutes they were sisters
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Some angels choose fur instead of wings.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2rbN5Ql
True story...A friend saw a litter of puppies on the road on a rainy night 5 years ago. As she tried to rescue this one, he started to play with her like it was a game. She finally got him in her car. Then one of the other puppies got hit by a car. So sad. Glad he made it. Most gentle dog ever.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2qGs9xC
Doing her best impression of a hippo
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Her first time at the dog park. They use sand because we live on/near the beach.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2qGCKZ5
Who's walking in the street?!?!
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When you take your Chicago Dog out for a Chicago Dog
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The definition of happiness
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Does anyone know the (mixed) breed of this dog?
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This little girl is my world.. she never fails to put a smile on my face :)
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I'm safe from thunder now, right?
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2rUeasm
One toy isn't enough. Gotta have at least two.
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2qB3XNK
Does anyone know the (mixed) breed of this dog?
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Happy Family
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Show me your teeth babyBeautiful Horse Dance
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This face
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2rjglTN
Love: bending over backwards for that special someone
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2qAu33B
Amazing Lovely Dog Spike (3814 × 2374)
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My friend's dog looked beautiful with eyes that stare into your soul
via /r/dogpictures http://ift.tt/2rTaEyp
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